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Install Gtts For Python In Mac

Jul 06, 2020  Text to Speech (TTS) library for Python 2 and 3. Works without internet connection or delay. Supports multiple TTS engines, including Sapi5, nsss, and espeak. It is very easy to use, but like pyttsx it sounds very robotic. The gtts module no longer works. I found a script on Github that uses the Google speech engine. The script comes with many options and does not speak, instead it saves to an mp3. The official home of the Python Programming Language. While Javascript is not essential for this website, your interaction with the content will be limited. Dec 14, 2018  Installation fails on raspberry Pi by using pip or pip3. Pi@raspberrypi: $ sudo pip3 install gTTS Downloading/unpacking gTTS Downloading gTTS.

  • Languages (gtts.lang)

class gtts.tts.gTTS(text, tld='com', slow=False, lang_check=True, pre_processor_funcs=[<function tone_marks>, <function end_of_line>, <function abbreviations>, <function word_sub>], tokenizer_func=<bound method Tokenizer.run of re.compile('(?<=?).|(?<=!).|(?<=?).|(?<=!).|(?<!.[a-z]). |(?<!.[a-z]), |(?<!d):|(|—|;|,|…|¿|、|‥|¡|)|،|n|:|]|。|[', re.IGNORECASE) from: [<function tone_marks>, <function period_comma>, <function colon>, <function other_punctuation>]>)[source]

gTTS – Google Text-to-Speech.

An interface to Google Translate’s Text-to-Speech API.


  • text (string) – The text to be read.

  • tld (string) – Top-level domain for the Google Translate host,i.e


    . This is usefulwhen google.com might be blocked within a network buta local or different Google host (e.g. google.cn) is not.Default is com.

  • lang (string, optional) – The language (IETF language tag) toread the text in. Default is en.

  • slow (bool, optional) – Reads text more slowly. Defaults to False.

  • lang_check (bool, optional) – Strictly enforce an existing lang,to catch a language error early. If set to True,a ValueError is raised if lang doesn’t exist.Setting lang_check to False skips Web requests(to validate language) and therefore speeds up instanciation.Default is True.

  • pre_processor_funcs (list) –

    A list of zero or more functions that arecalled to transform (pre-process) text before tokenizing. Thosefunctions must take a string and return a string. Defaults to:

  • tokenizer_func (callable) –

    A function that takes in a string andreturns a list of string (tokens). Defaults to:

See also


  • AssertionError – When text is None or empty; when there’s nothing left to speak after pre-precessing, tokenizing and cleaning.

  • ValueError – When lang_check is True and lang is not supported.

  • RuntimeError – When lang_check is True but there’s an error loading the languages dictionnary.


Get TTS API request URL(s) that would be sent to the TTS API.


A list of TTS API request URLs to make.

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This is particularly useful to get the list of URLs generatedby gTTS but not yet fullfilled,for example to be used by an external program.

Return type



Do the TTS API request and write result to file.


savefile (string) – The path and file name to save the mp3 to.


gTTSError – When there’s an error with the API request.


Do the TTS API request(s) and write bytes to a file-like object.


fp (file object) – Any file-like object to write the mp3 to.


Install Gtts For Python In Mac Free

Install Gtts For Python In Mac

  • gTTSError – When there’s an error with the API request.

  • TypeError – When fp is not a file-like object that takes bytes.

exception gtts.tts.gTTSError(msg=None, **kwargs)[source]

Exception that uses context to present a meaningful error message

infer_msg(tts, rsp=None)[source]

Attempt to guess what went wrong by using knowninformation (e.g. http response) and observed behaviour

Languages (gtts.lang


The easiest way to get a list of available language is to print themwith gtts-cli--all


Languages Google Text-to-Speech supports.


tld (string) – Top-level domain for the Google Translate hostto fetch languages from. i.e


.Default is com.


A dictionnary of the type

{ ‘<lang>’: ‘<name>’}

Install Gtts For Python In Mac 2



is an IETF language tag such as






is the full English name of the language, such as



Portuguese (Brazil)


Return type


The dictionnary returned combines languages from two origins:

  • Languages fetched automatically from Google Translate

  • Languages that are undocumented variations that were observed to work andpresent different dialects or accents.

Write ‘hello’ in English to hello.mp3: Winbond w83627dhgp motherboard drivers for mac windows 7.

Write ‘hello bonjour’ in English then French to hello_bonjour.mp3:

Instead of writing to disk, get URL for ‘hello’ in English:

Super mario flashback demo. There’s quite a few libraries that do this. Skyrim enb anisotropic filtering system. Write ‘hello’ to a file-like objectto do further manipulation::


See Issue #26 fora discussion and examples of direct playback using various methods.


Starting with gTTS2.1.0, thegtts.tts.gTTS.get_urls method can be used to obtain the list ofgenerated URLs requests (whithout fullfilling them) which could be usedfor playback in another program. See Examples above.

gtts does logging using the standard Python logging module. The following loggers are available:

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Logger used for the gTTS class


Logger used for the lang module (language fetching)


Upstream logger for all of the above